Canine chiropractic care can have great benefits for our dogs. Whether you have a racing Greyhound agility dog; working animal, or a family pet, they can suffer from muscle or joint discomfort as much as humans do. In addition, age related conditions can affect our pets. Where suitable, treatment and advice can be provided as a way of reducing discomfort and pain; as well as promote the long term comfort of the animal.
Nowadays surgical procedures for conditions such as elbow and hip dysplasia and disc degeneration are common. Chiropractic, along with other complimentary therapies, can be used alongside medical treatment, and in pre and post operative care with many conditions.
Dogs are generally much more relaxed in their own environment. In order to keep anxiety and stress to a minimum, mobile/home visit services can be provided. To get an idea of the services we would provide to your dog, please click here.
Price : £35
Signs that your dog may benefit from chiropractic care
Obvious injury
Changes in performance
Behavioural changes
Postural changes
Back pain
Difficulties standing or laying
Altered Tail or Head Carriage
Reluctance to Jump
Continual licking/scratching a particular area
Sensitivity to touch
Surgery pre/after care
Is your dog showing any of these symptoms?
If you wish to discuss the worry or issue with no obligation for treatment, then please contact us!